Google Analytics has a nice new interface, much more intuitive and usable, but I still miss something I think it would be really usefull: an integrated calendar of events.
I can select a range of dates at Google Analytics and get different statistics: visits, unique users, etc. But there are many events (internal and external) that may affect that data. For instance:
- Changes at the site: contents, layout, etc.
- Changes in Google Analytics configuration (for instance, in filters)
- Google Adwords campaigns linking to that site
- etc, etc.
Any webmaster would be happy to know how those events are related to the statistics, wouldn’t they?
How could Google do that? We already have a solution: Google Calendar. So we simply would associate a site monitorized by Google Anlytics to a calendar in Google Calendar. A webmaster could add events to that calendar, and they would be shown at Google Analytics.
Here’s an example; this graph shows a decrease in the number of visits on June, 2nd:
Hmmm… What happened that day? Oh, maybe that new filter to exclude inner visits. With the feature I suggest, I would link the Google Analytics account with a Google Calendar which includes events related to the site, like this: